this is my portrait of tommie d. the film guy. he was helping me shop for a little camcorder, and we stopped for a pop at the cambie hotel to take a load off. well, tom was spinning a few yarns..... i'd like to invite one and all to add your favorite caption to this photo.
maybe something like one of his friends from regina: > Lost in the details of his story, and just recently having come from his favourite bakery, Tom doesn't notice that his lunch guest left 5 minutes ago....
PS/notice the cops are on the way.
"Honestly guys....I was this close to nailing Nana Mouskouri !" BR
"So, I whipped out my trusty .44's said, don't give me any of that peace
crap, Mr. Dalai."
"I was this close to Arthur C.. He leaned over and said: "That whole
Childhood's End thing? I was just bullshittin". "
"On the map, Machu Pechu was only this far away. The hike seemed longer!"
"I am completely captivated by my own fingers and can't remember what story
I was telling you." MZ
I dont know Doug-anyway it seems lots of people have good ideas for titles of this picture.
"I think the pictures on your blog should be about this big." pm
"i was THAT close to getting caught, but i'm a shadow, the cops will never find me".
filmguy here....
There seems to be far too much fun being had, at my expense. There I was, sitting in a bar with my friends, spinning a few yarns, (as Doug said) and what happens???? Now cyber space is having its way with me... violating me... ok, maybe not violating per say... but you know what I mean...
Oh and btw... I was that close to having Nana Mouskouri... LOL
and then she goes all 'Crying Game' on me...but I'm talking whoa....
If we were in Saskatchewan, it would be THIS big!
"I swear that cop who just left was this far, and half a beer away from getting a stern lecture on the proper use of tasers..."
"Guru Marty promised these kind of results within weeks, or at least some enlightenment..."
"It's true... just ask Holly"
A SIMPLE exam? I swear her finger felt like it was THIS long.
Oh God, Tom starting one of his "its kind of a long story" stories again.
God help me make this beer refill
That fish was this long...between the eyes.
I swear it was at least a 10 paper joint.
You know you've had one pint too many when...
it takes 15 minutes of hard concentration just to get your fingers pointed correctly before even attempting to touch your nose.
(I can only assume the cops out the window inspired this test).
May have to do with watermelon and women. Upon finding the combo., Tom is explaining the creative paperwork. (Not of the audit type).
That fish I caught,was I dunno< about this far from the dock.jh
Beer, baggies and a love baton 'this big'
Kinky Tom describes his Valentine take down by the west ends 'love police' as - painfully satisfying.
...and then the rugby official went like this, and I was trying to dance to that Village People song, except I was too loaded to get my arms all the way up... anyway London was awesome...
not sure what the last comment means, or who its from, but i sounds very funny... and clever. i like it!
so far JR's is my fav. but the taser one, and the bakery are right up there (actually, most of them are great/tom has creative friends).
i'm thinking of turning this into a little contest. funniest caption wins a 8X10 of your fav blog shot. wow, now that's too good to pass up isn't it?? contest ends in a week. get your captions in! and leave a first or last name so i know where to send to gold.
okay... just one more story... is that two fingers... didn't realize it was two... thought it was just one... okay two more stories... and that's it... for sure... is that a cop behind me?... two more and one cop story... and that's it... for sure... cop still there? ... anyway, one more story...
two fingers, two stories and the cops. good one!
think it was popeye on the left and scissorhands on the left... but it coulda been the other way around
Oh Dougie boy, I'm sloshed. Half a beer and I'm already seeing double... no wait, that's two different hands.
Oh Dougie boy, I'm sloshed. Half a beer and I'm already seeing double... no wait, that's two different hands.
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