i walk by this wounderful art on a regular basis. the sky caught my eye today, so i stayed around and took this photograph. i believe this sculpture is the bases for the winter olympic logo. i've added a bit of info from a winter olympic web site:
The logo and mascot of the future 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics is based on the Canadian Inuit inukshuk. The inukshuk is a stone marker that has been used by the Inuit to help guide through the northern Arctic terrain for centuries - see the Inuit Inukshuk article for background information. The Inuit inukshuk has also become a symbol of leadership, cooperation, friendship and the human spirit. This contemporary design of an inukshuk by Vancouver based Elena Rivera MacGregor and her team of designers was chosen from 1,600 entries from across Canada by an international panel of nine judges. The mascot will be named Ilanaaq which means ‘friend’ in the native Inuit Inuktitut language. Rivera MacGregor claims that her winning design represents the culture, environment and people of Canada.
There is now a great deal of publicity re next years games in Vancouver as well as interest in the logo. CBC , as well as ctv, even in Sask. has begun their publicity. mom
That is a good picture of the logo as well as a very interesting sky. This is a good time to be in Vancouver and see the preparations being made.We are still in the deep freeze and more snow to-day.
it should have been "basis" for and not "bases" for... it's not like the basis are loaded - you know who this is from - cheers!
got ya / not surprising bases errr. based on my lack of writing and spelling skills...
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