Thursday, February 12, 2009

downtown vancouver

a few architecture shots. some new buildings, some not so new.


Anonymous said...

I love those pictures-they show mankind,s accomplisments.The old ones have a quality that the news ones don't in my

douglas e. walker said...

agreed. what's interesting is they do co exist, so one had a choice.

Anonymous said...

The details and the layers of texture, that's what I love about the old buildings.

The new ones, shot the way you have, aren't without their charms, though.

And thanks for putting so many images up, Doug!

douglas e. walker said...

hey peter, thxs for the comment. i guess i'm taking half a page from your book re: posting for than one photograph. in my ad days / it was always..."get the hero shot". there can only be one hero in advertising.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, brother. But with the blog, it's basically eye candy, right?

So what the hey, I figure if I'm going to bother shooting different stuff in each place, I may as well show it.

I've actually re-sized mine again on the blog so the images appear much larger. I did something wierd when I saved them for the web, so the smaller versions had a fine bubble-like grain to them.

Plus, since I'm putting up mulitple shots, people won't bother clicking each one to see each the larger version. And the larger ones just look so much better!

In your case, it's more probable that people will click to see the larger verison. Do you get stats on that?

douglas e. walker said...

i don't think i get
that' stat. or if i do, i just don't know where it is. i installed sitemeter / seems kinda wonky.