here are a couple more shots of odin. the people are very friendly down in that country. they do all the work, allow me to take a few photographs, and then insist i join them for a big supper and a few pops in the quonset (killer sweet potato pie btw). i'm planning on going back in the fall to shoot a series of portraits - if they'll have me.
I like this series a lot. kd
That is interesting Doug that you have discovered these type of people(maybe for the first time). They are interested in what you do as well as you being interested in what they do. That was the way of people I met in my early years of teaching and they have remained life long frien--one of them I visited in Redvers the other day and they made me so welcome' they phone me often to see how iam, etc.Iam happy for you that you have made their acquintance.I enjoy the pictures of the horses too, because it reminds me of my childhood of chasing the cows with my pony and dog.Mom
It seems a little more than I need to check the information, because I was thinking: Why does not my GLOG these things!
If you could give more detailed information on some, I think it is even more perfect, and I need to obtain more information!
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