Monday, July 21, 2008

tight parking

the roaming yaris encounters a tight parking situation.


Anonymous said...

looks as if you found a good crop of Canola--what is the other crop?This is the time of beauty on the prairie.

douglas e. walker said...

the other crop is oats. unfortunately, i'm roaming the country in search of a flax and canloa field side by side for tourism sk. but i still like this shot.

Anonymous said...

we really do live in a cool summer location don't we. thanks for reminding me of the things I often pass by and don't appreciate enough, like the yaris by the road to the clubhouse, nice fields and sky too ML

douglas e. walker said...

thxs for the comment ml. me and the yaris will be roaming the landscape, so keep checking in. dw

Anonymous said...

There are lots of flax and canola fields between Kipling and Regina on Highway 48; unfortunately not always side by side. The flax is not quite blue enough yet.

There is one field of flax just west of Kennedy that looks like there might be canola to the south (I didn't have time to stop though).

douglas e. walker said...

thxs for the location info / i think i may have gotten the shot south of carlyle. dw

Anonymous said...

I REALLY like this shot....obviously you have a GIFT for making the subject feel very 'at ease'...(we appreciate your gift).

(pne p.)

Anonymous said...

Good Blog, I think I want to find me, I will tell my other friends, on all

Anonymous said...

Although we have differences in culture, but do not want is that this view is the same and I like that!
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