i went down south for another round up. this is my portrait of odin. i was up on a hill away from the action when i heard one of the cowboys yelling for odin to bring him his spurs. i asked him if i could take a quick shot, and he obliged. one for the ages in my mind.
SCROLL down for a larger version.
Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?
The nice thing with this blog is, its very awsome when it comes to there topic.
Yes this is a classic shot he’s reminiscent of Sam Shepherd the Hollywood actor
Great stuff Sir Douglas.
I do send this link forward to select people I know are either from Saskatchewan or appreciate it.
That is an amazing shot. It certainly doesn't look like 2008.
Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!
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