it kills me to post a 'winter' shot in the summer. however, this shot is in the 2009 edition of 'the canadian weather trivia calendar". no big whoop, but it's by that guy 'david phillips' of enviro canada. he's always on the telly and radio talking about the weather. i find him entertaining. my buddy steve m. hates this shot, but it keeps on winning awards. sorry steve..... don't be made at elegance..
I was confused because you implied the shot was by someone else, but I thought I recognized it as one of yours. So I checked your website and sure enough, there it is.
And what do you mean, "still summer"? Isn't it winter out there by now?!
Anyway, it's a very cool shot (ha!). Not surprised that it's won awards.
How do I get me one of the 2009 calendars?
peter, i'll have mr phillips send you one for xmas. was a nice day today, but winter is close. dw
I think this shot represents the essence of ice fishing, "the rum drinking shack". I remember this shot. The weather was something else.
What about myself, the kids and Connor? (Although we weren't out drinking rum). That shot still on file?
chris, i don't think that shot ever went to masterfile. i think we did it for sk tourism, but can't remember. but i can remember how f%#*%ing cold it was for those 2 shots, and NO snow on the lake, which was cool
By the way I like "Lenny's palace of lights". dk
By the way I like "Lenny's palace of lights". dk
While it may win awards i really thought a photo of Doug W passed out outside his fish shack just did not put him in the best light.
steve m
great picture! i love the colors...i could almost feel the contrast of the cold and warmth.
Although we have differences in culture, but do not want is that this view is the same and I like that!
Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!
fishing net
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