Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First morning of '13 a little chilly in the desert. Snow capped mountains in the Coachella Valley, CA.


Anonymous said...

So i imagine you waking up from a bedroll with a saddle for a pillow and your horse eating grass nearby. The fire is almost out and there is a little frost on the ground. Oh and yes there is a small pile of beer cans next to the fire......
Or did you pull out of the million dollar Condo with a shiny 300 horsepower truck, burp a little Pilsner, grab a Starbucks (ask for it double/double just to let them know your Canadian) and then head past the Target outlet into the countryside.
Either way it is a great shot.
Personally i left the bedroll and bacon and beans over an open fire era a long time ago too.

douglas e. walker said...

Haha...ya..more the latter.
make that a double double...double!

Anonymous said...

I misread your comment and thought the temp. was 13-cool for there b ut got it right now. CW

Anonymous said...

Great composition shot!