Thursday, December 3, 2009

back at the bay

well, i'm back on the coast. here are 2 shots i did this eve. one for me, and one for the postcard crowd. i promise not to keep taking these types of shots like last winter... feeling like i want to be in the desert...


Anonymous said...

Very very beautiful colors--even better than our prairies-more 0f these wont hurt. cw

Peter. said...

I agree with cw, very nice colours, Doug.

Anonymous said...

yes, the colours were there. no filters on this shoot / needed a tripod at the party tho. dw

Anonymous said...

Where is the "roaming red rocker"? Or is it still enroute to the bay?

Anonymous said...

I suspect the red rocker will have additional adventures this winter only shot in low def CJ

Anonymous said...

The red rocker could have fit right in at the Bay.Anyway,love these shots.

douglas e. walker said...

seems like the roaming red rocker is hogging the lime light. that's a good thing.

douglas e. walker said...

cj, if you see the roaming red rocker and any unauthorized roams.........well, lets just say i hope the images aren't better than mine.