this is my portrait of dave, the keeper of the gate at our local garbage transfer station. (aka, the dump). growing up, the garbage dump was always accessible day or night / you took a load out and that was that. now, there are set hours, so it's become a bit of a 'deal', going on a dump run. open only 2 afternoons a week, it's a special event. "doin' a dump run tomorrow"???
dave was kind enough to sit for this photograph (it was a slow day).
Needing to have a "hired gun" to keep the renegade trash tossers at bay....what has society come to??
That doesn't seem like progress, to have such few hours but maybe it helps to keep a cleaner garbage place. You people should start a garbage collection out there --some civic minded citizen could make a start at it. Douglas??Now is the time to be a good village citizen.cw
hummm.. well, i just thought it was an interesting portrait....
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