i took a little drive south to my birth place today / northgate sk by name. i wanted to photograph the one room school house that is still standing there.
my sister attended for 5 grades or so, but the year my twin brother and i were to start grade 1, they shut her down. (humm. cause and effect)? so we moved to oxbow.
anyway, i had fun walking around the location, and this is an inside / out interpretation of the school. (i like the 'window' shot / click on to enlarge).
Re the history of that school-when i came to Northgate there was no community hall for social meetings. Marion Dixon and i thought this needed to be remedied so we got permission to clean up the old school and use it-this was in 1953. In November of that year, armed with brooms, cleaning things, etc we spent a whole day beginning to get the cobwebs and birds out of the school-when we came home, Mrs. Dixon had baked fresh bran muffins for us-a welcome surprise. From that beginning others helped us and we were able to hold card parties, xmas programs(where Sophie and Jarl performed ) and dinners, etc. Later on the school was reopened and the children attended school there, as well as at a portable school brought into town. Later on the citizens had a vote as to whether to continue keeping the little school open or to have the children go to Oxbow. I voted in favor of Oxbow because of a chance of a better education for you-and I am glad I did even if it didn't make me too popular in the community. Then, because we didn't like you to have such long rides on the bus and because in High School you would be staying in the dorm Marshall bought the Oxbow house-also because you had opportunities to take part in all the sport activities.That is our history of the old school-we had many good times there and I am sad to see it in such a state of disrepair.That could be a project for your generation now-bring it back!
"my sister attended for 5 grades or so, but the year my twin brother and i were to start grade 1, they shut her down"
Wow, your old
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