Saturday, May 23, 2009

prairie past

a glimpse back in time / not for the chamber of commerce types ... but i like the history..


Anonymous said...

Where did you take this picture Doug-at first glance it looks just like the one I grew up in-that my grandfather built. As I enlarge it though I see it is a bit different. Do you still have the pictures you took of our house, church and school? Iam pleased to see you be interested in history. Your high school education left that out unfortunately.

douglas e. walker said...

this was shot on highway 33 around filmore. i'll have a look for those other photos, but they will be buried deep.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot, is this recent? dk

douglas e. walker said...

about 10 days ago. doesn't look it, but the wind was howling, and the temp was about +2C. made me think about prairie life back in those days.. wood burning stoves i would think? or coal oil. i had the inside of the yaris for heat.