Thursday, March 5, 2009

re run / retread saskatchewan canada

i was out shooting today (a very fine day no less), but it was all sea/sky, and boats. boring, i know. returned home and finally got around to entering a few images in a photo competition. (deadline at midnight). came across this shot . one of my favorites i produced last summer in SE Saskatchewan.
i posted this awhile back, so as clay the dentist would say... "it's a retread".


Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true Sask. person Doug--when you say, nothing but sea, sky and boats. Native Vancouverites see it differently i know and see the prairies as endless nothing. This picture is full of interest in my

Anonymous said...

Ok Doug when you start posting pictures of cute sheep in pastoral fields its time to come home. Toss out the leftover salmon, pour the half drank bottles of VQA and call a cab. Its home time man……

steve m

douglas e. walker said...

hey steve, they're alpacas, not sheep. and just to be clear, the pastoral field is NOT at whistler.. i'm trying to be accurate don't cha know.