this is a portrait of a friend of mine that was a long time in coming. our families lived close by when we were growing up in small town saskatchewan. ever since i took to the camera, i thought robert would be a good study. i hope i've captured his spirit.
Hey Doug, say Hi to Rob will you.
Nice shot!
White Rock
white rock. will do. he's at the lake till the end of aug. i'm going to take another crack at photographing him. stay tuned..
Using the colored background and black and white portrait is very effective in my opinion. Mom
Nice shot Doug. I see you are honing your PS skills.
this one...definitely this one although the 2nd one above captures his spirit....I can almost hear him laughing when I look at that one
That is a great shot of Robert. You pegged his relaxed attitude and unassuming presence. And in front of a boat...go figure. Have you any shots of Robert the golfer?
anthony,thxs for your comment / couldn't have described robert better. no shot of the golf swing tho. was told he hits a high cut! dw
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