i went down to a ranch south of radville sask, to shoot a portrait of a friend who works there. here are 2 versions. my original idea was a colour shot out on the plains / i even took lighting equipment. but these images just sort of happened, and i liked them better.
i'd like to know what the 'people' think.....
very arty.he looks weary from being on the trail soooo long
oh give me a home where the buffalo roam...........
I love the wide shot. The close-up doesn't exactly turn my crank, but hey... who the hell am I???? :)
I take from this photo that the cowboy is doing fencing-is that right? A very good idea of the wide open prairie. The close up photo shows
the very clear eyes of youth(untouched yet by troubles)--my interpetation)cw
There is a lot in those eyes.This could be the begining of a novel.ph
actually, barny was waiting for me as i was fumbling around with my photo gear / but it does look like he's fencing.
he is also newly married, so i'll shoot him again in a year and see what the eyes say..
I do like them, also like the ring light. dk
nice stuff. ic
I prefer the landscape shot. A great deal of emotion in the pose. Could be a movie poster!
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