Saturday, March 7, 2009

vancouver canada

i did the walk to eastside downtown/chinatown today. this is what i saw, and how i saw it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

re run / retread saskatchewan canada

i was out shooting today (a very fine day no less), but it was all sea/sky, and boats. boring, i know. returned home and finally got around to entering a few images in a photo competition. (deadline at midnight). came across this shot . one of my favorites i produced last summer in SE Saskatchewan.
i posted this awhile back, so as clay the dentist would say... "it's a retread".

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

whistler skyline

this shot is for my pal steve. he thought i should take a few shots other than the vancouver skyline. i went to whistler, but it still looks kinda the same / just less colour. and i thought they had snow up there??? enjoy steve!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

vancouver canada

Yikes, another postcard. but...... i was there shooting some video and i had to hang out for awhile to get the city lights. don't hate me....

Monday, March 2, 2009

vancouver canada, olympic city

i'm thinking that some of you will be relieved that i didn't take yet, another shot of english bay. i set out on the north side of stanley park, and found a few locations.

the statue is called 'Girl in Wetsuit'. the plaque states "she represents vancouver's dependence on the sea". can't image how may photographs have been taken of this piece since it was installed in 1972. this is my version.

second shot is a small waterfall in stanley park. enjoy.