Saturday, February 6, 2010

winter olympics

my shot of an 'eagles in the city' location in downtown

Friday, February 5, 2010

coal harbour in bound

i went to the beach today. 3 rd beach that is, in stanley park. sat on a log and watched the float planes fly by.

shrimp fisherman

i shot this portrait of a fisherman on the dock at granville island. bought a few lbs of shrimp / i'll let you know how they cook up. he was a nice guy/looked like he could have been a rigger in saskatchewan.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

vancouver, chinatown

some folks thought my previous post was from chinatown, so i went today and shot some of the action. i like the guy walking in shadow/ bottom right of the first frame. it was a fab spring like day in the winter olympic city. can't image most people would mind.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

downtown vancouver

ok, just a little fun in the spirit of the impending winter olympics. i ran into a friend downtown this aft, so we did a quick portrait on the steps of the vancouver art gallery. i also had fun capturing a tourist shooting a self portrait in front of the olympic clock. starting to feel the oylmpic energy..