Thursday, March 4, 2010



Anonymous said...

This picture says restrained joy but a bit of worry as well.You have a great talent to capture the emotions at these

Anonymous said...

Wow! How did you ever get that?

douglas e. walker said...

patience, and a motor drive. i focused on that crowd for about an hr and a half.

Anonymous said...

a picture is worth a 1000 words as the old adage goes..well done.


douglas e. walker said...

funny thing. when i was shooting the laser light show, i couldn't get the bugs bunny theme song out of my head. now its rod steward - every picture tells a story... don't it. all is good tho/i like both tunes.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how you captured the emotion in so many of these shots... beautiful stuff.d.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! It must have been one hell of a party. Congratulations. The pictures
look awesome. All the best. db from the uk.