Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 for 1

i took a break today/this from last night. the sculpture is called WE,2008. by Jaume Piensa of Spain. i was able to capture it framed by my sisters laser show..... well i think she may have designed it........very interesting. guessing it's about 12ft tall. so.. two works of art for the price of one. the following is from the biennale web site. enjoy.

'This sculpture celebrates Vancouver’s linguistic and cultural diversity by incorporating multiple alphabets, (Latin, Greek, Russian Cyrillic, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese) in an all embracing womb-like human form. Plensa is widely acclaimed for his Public Art installations, having created this work specifically for the Vancouver Biennale.
Art Lights Vancouver's Nights


Anonymous said...

Amazing shot Doug..


douglas e. walker said...

thxs. it's nice to be on a deserted beach with a camera, when there are 150 thousand souls freakin' out 8 blocks away..

Anonymous said...

All I can say is "Wow!"

Anonymous said...

Iam sure the noise level is high on the streets-it will soon be all over. Very good hockey game last night

Anonymous said...

It is a great shot and i must say after spending three days in the crowds and lineups it does appear to be the only bit of quiet in Vancouver.

douglas e. walker said...

thxs ceo / we miss you already. i think i'll get back to the ruckus this aft.