Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 1, Bismark North Dakota. calling for winter storm tomorrow. might stay put, and take the roaming red rocker to Menards to see the family...


Anonymous said...

If I'd known the red rocker was going I would have hitched a

Anonymous said...

Rock on! EJW

Anonymous said...

My prediction is... You are going out to the Dead Lobster restaurant or some place.., Finding a gal from Plentywood and having a few...Later on the shot has two of you rocking back and forth in the blizzard. You set the time and tomorrow we see the result..

The Rock Is In Seattle

douglas e. walker said...

Ha! you know it. stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Guess I haven't looked for a while if the red rocker is back in action. Does that mean spring is almost here if you are approaching the 49th parrallel and the 2nd meridian?

Anonymous said...

did you hook up with any of the rr's brothers or sisters at Menards???

drive careful..


douglas e. walker said...

nope / got outta dodge while the getting was good.. just ahead of bad weather....

Anonymous said...

I had heard that the Menards were still upset about the divorce and are not really 'welcoming' of ANY red rocker family members at this time ?? Try Lowes..they are much easier to get along with ..they may be green but inter-rocker families work too....try it, you might just like it. Personally I am just happy that you are not travelling with any troll-rockers....WINNING ! MI.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to braving the cold and blowing snow with the rest of us you travelling man!!! DD

Anonymous said...

so is the red rocker like your personal travelocity gnome prop?? BRY

Anonymous said...

From what I know of Nebraska, this is a very representative photo. I had thought of them having more snow. Harry Herrinton lives in Lincoln Nebrask. cw

douglas e. walker said...

this was shot in Bismark. there was snow in Nebraska, but not much..

Anonymous said...

yes, I see I left my comments on the wrong picture--I meant the one of Nebraska--sorry about that. cw