Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sunset at Barra de Navidad didn't look too promising last night. i waited it out, and took this shot looking north about 10 minutes after the sun disappeared.


Anonymous said...

hard to say something. ak

Anonymous said...

Now we know why your hours were always different from the rest of the family"s--you were waiting for the proper light-and as you so often say now"It is all about the light" Iam saying this tongue in cheeck-don't want you to forget where you came from! Mom

Anonymous said...

Further to the above comment-waiting for the light is the secret of success!!CW

douglas e. walker said...

i'm in total agreement. waiting for the light is important, but the real secret is, the light waits for no one.. so you have to be prepared....

Anonymous said...

Hey, a "Walker" shot.

Just like the old days, nice shot Doug.


douglas e. walker said...

yikes D! not sure if that's good or bad. it is what it is i guess...

Anonymous said...

gotta love those reflections!