Tuesday, April 6, 2010

my take on the often photographed Siwash Rock in Stanley Park.
see more here


ian Crysler said...

I'm loving the colours that you are working with. Some might say that the sky colour is reminiscent of older photographs. I'm sensing a bunch of cyan in the background. Pretty soon I won't be able to teach you anything about photography.

Anonymous said...

This is a very imposing rock--birds would find this a great place for their nest I guess.cw

douglas e. walker said...

thxs ian. it's a very interesting technique / getting rid of the film you bought in the 70's.
but i always look forward to your teachings, so keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

Great shot Doug. Feels just like summer here today. Larry says we can golf May 1 if everything goes right.

Anonymous said...

"Doug, I would love to be able to envision what you do when you look through that camera lens. You are totally amazing. Love the shot below as well. I thought it was clouds before I looked closely at it. Unbelievable. What a gift you have."

douglas e. walker said...

thxs linda, some days are clearer than others. but i'll keep on looking.

douglas e. walker said...

ml, you get limbered up, and make a tee time.

Anonymous said...

Seeing the photos put a smile on my face. Then spring in Vancouver froze my eyes. Wow... really love the way your lens sees things. Thanks Doug. :)