Tuesday, April 13, 2010

classic sunset from tonight


Anonymous said...

i love the reds in this shot.


douglas e. walker said...

this shot is hot off the press. like the ad for the seafood joint - "fish so fresh the next of kin haven't been notified".

Anonymous said...

This is a beauty Doug-my kind of picture. cw

douglas e. walker said...

yes, i thought you might like it.

Anonymous said...

Pretty. But did you place that red pedal there? c'mon, tell the truth! pm

Anonymous said...

how did you get the captain of that ship to park exactly where it looks like it's front mast look like an oil rig 'stack'. You must got some "Pull" around there.

Hey, no surrender on the 'rubber'.I think all we have to agree on is at what course it will be at and same rules apply.

I was not able to golf last year so are you going to give me 'strokes' mister 'straight down the middle next shot on and putt in for a bird'?


douglas e. walker said...

let's just say i have more pull with a camera in my hand than a golf club. i'll give you strokes, but maybe i should just stroke you a chq? hard to beat the mackay machine.... maybe we should try neutral turf and hit mainprize...

Anonymous said...

I'm OK with any course my friend. You can easily wear me down with your straight down the middle, chip it close and putt it in hole after hole.

I don't even think you know there are tree's at Kenosee.

We'll figure something out.