Sunday, March 14, 2010

glide path

what can i say. i'm from the prairies - i like clouds and small planes.
this black and white reminds me of high school. my friend buzz and i would head out taking pictures, then hit the darkroom and start a 3 day process to get to this point. both the shooting, and the lab work were fun everytime.
oh, and this is a DeHavilland DHC-3 Turbine Single Otter, flying over lost lagoon for a coal harbour touchdown.


Anonymous said...

i remember well your darkroom work and the spilling on the stairs of the chemicals--all in the name of art!cw

douglas e. walker said...

and filling up the septic tank with hours of running water to wash the film.....

Anonymous said...

Wow. You are so good.

Anonymous said...

Hi DW; I really like the black and white I have always liked black and white..... Is this guy dead sticking it in, or are you using a really fast shutter speed? You stopped his prop... I put a few miles on a twin otter in Northern Sask they are great planes. ljp.

douglas e. walker said...

you know, it might have been a bit of both. they come in pretty steep, but i was at about 1/320 or so. i'm on a b&w run right know / stay tuned.