Friday, January 1, 2010

polar bear swim

polar bear swim this afternoon in english bay. i know my prairie friends are laughing at that! they'd say "if you want a polar bear swim, go chop a hole in wascana and take a dip".


Anonymous said...

Did you say "polar"?Well I guess that its all relative.About -35 here

douglas e. walker said...

west coast softies eh..

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Great warm breeze for sailing. After speaking with several friends in Sask last night, Really can't think of a reason why I would want to be back in minus 35!!


Anonymous said...

How about a nice dip in Kenosee Lake? It was only minus 34 this morning!!! cb

douglas e. walker said...

get the pick axe out cb / catch the last light and go for a dip.