Tuesday, October 13, 2009

burrr is right!

rumor has it warmer weather is on the way. got my fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

This captures the damp and cold in the fall air.Hope you are right about better days to come.ph

Anonymous said...

Yes, this picture looks wintery, but not so much as this morning's picture. We will most certainly appreciate a turn for the better although can't say I have minded it-it gave me an opportunity to read 5 books and there isn't many things I like doing better than that! -although some time spent on practicing my typing and exercise wouldn`t hurt`` Ican safely say that I am old enough to indulge myself in my books. Your pictures obviously are a source of interest to me and to your fans!Thanks for them.

Anonymous said...

you need to cross your toes too Doug. Just came in from outside...freezing...if I am cold already I don't know how I am going to get through another winter! Yikes.
