Tuesday, June 2, 2009

prairie recycling


Anonymous said...

what is being recycled here?

Anonymous said...

Is the Yaris in the back of that 'Big Ole Bad Boy'??? pm

douglas e. walker said...

this is the rear end of a pick up truck with a trailer hitch added.

douglas e. walker said...

actually, the yaris might look stylish haulin'that ole bad boy..

Anonymous said...

That is an interesting recycling project now that I know what it is. There are many inventive people in the world it seems. cw

Anonymous said...

I took some time and had a "quick" look at your amazing work! I need more that 30 seconds, to take all this in!!! Will have to send a link to my brother in Victoria, a Sask boy at heart but transplanted to beautiful BC. So next time you stop in at the green house I can tell you I checked out your blog and yes I will visit again!

douglas e. walker said...

thank you for your interest / mention to your brother in bc to look at past posts / most are from the west coast.
i'll try and be a good guardian of the plants i brought home from the green house today.