i stopped by my sister and brother in law's cabin today/checking that all was safe and sound. had the camera, so this is a shot i did of a 'landscape feature' in the front yard.
some may remember the upright canoe as the background of the portrait i did of a friend, robert, which i posted in the summer. ah.. summer. what a change. it was a perfect/ warm, calm eve when that photo happened. however, here i am for a week or two, so i'm trying to embrace the seasons.......
Good picture Doug--and you are right-we must embrace the season Mom
This shot really represents winter in cottage country.Wish I was there for Christmas.
Hi Doug,
Wow, the snow sure looks beautiful out there and, yes, I remember that canoe, too!
I also like the shot of the Chalet -- looks like it brought back a few memories for Chris, as well.cz
you should never show the little bit of paradise that can be had for under 20 grand. best kept secrets and all that. Great photo of my pseudo sculpture.jh
and the great thing is your 'pseudo sculpture' looks cool in all seasons, jh.
See you in these things, I think, I started feeling good!
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